Are you thinking of getting a liposuction treatment to make your body shape even better? For your convenience, our practice takes pride in the expertise of Dr. Barnouti, our plastic surgeon who’s based in Sydney. He recommends safe liposuction in order to get rid of excess fat tissue deposits that cannot be removed by exercise and dieting alone.

Some of the areas of the body which can be trimmed via liposuction include the buttocks, waist, face, abdomen, arms, hips, ankles, the calves, and knees. Learn more about how our Plastic Surgery Sydney practice can help to improve the shape of your body by booking your first consultation appointment with Dr. Barnouti.

 FAQ on Liposuction Addressed

Is fat removal or liposuction safe and right for me?

Liposuction is best for reshaping portions of the body and a very effective procedure in the long liposuction-before-and-afterrun. In order to get the best outcome, you will be presented with a carefully structured treatment plan and goals to achieve by your attending physician. If you are deemed healthy enough and cleared for liposuction, all you have to do is book your appointment with Dr. Barnouti. You need to have the unwanted fat deposits that you wish to get rid of permanently. Booking with our chief surgeon will help you to perceive the results which are expected during the procedure, and you will be examined through and through to address your unique needs.

What usually happens during the consultation?

Our chief physician shall take a comprehensive health exam for each of the clients. These include a full health history and diagnostic tests. Then and only then will you be able to discuss the things that you need to prepare and the goals you have to achieve for your operation. Dr. Barnouti is going to determine whether you are suitable for non-invasive liposuction such as Liposoft or Ultra-Shape mesotherapy, or if you need a surgical removal of the unwanted fat deposits. If you are cleared for a non-invasive or soft treatment, you can have it on the same day as your consultation that is if you want to go ahead with the operation.

Tell me about the liposuction procedure

liposuction-treatmentMost of the time, liposuction can take at least 30 minutes and can last up to three hours. Everything depends on the needs of the client. Basically, during the procedure, the targeted fat is diluted with saline solution injections cocktailed with a local anesthetic agent. A vasoconstricting medication is also administered in order impede or slow down blood circulation to the targeted site. For invasive liposuction, your surgeon will make a minute incision where a sterilized stainless steel cannula will be inserted to penetrate the deeper layer of fat. Working deeper is safer since it does not damage the upper part of the skin, thereby there is less risk for scarring or keloid formation. The hollow cannula tube will then be navigated by the surgeon through the targeted area , where it breaks down the fat cells and evacuated from the body through suction power of a syringe or vacuum pump.

What are the things that I need to do after the procedure?

Our patients for liposuction don’t have to stay in the hospital for a night or two to recuperate, but if your procedure involves the use of general anesthesia or a large surface is involved, then you will be prescribed to stay at least overnight at the hospital. You will also be prescribed with a special garment which you need to wear for the next three weeks after your operation. This special garment is prescribed for all cases. The incision site is expected to heal after 3-4 days. Dissolvable stitches are used for the procedure so they’ll be absorbed by the body safely, no need for taking them out after some time. Bruising may also occur in the first ten days after your liposuction which will subside after the said period.

When can I get back to my regular routine in life and work after my operation?

For minimally invasive cases, at least 24 hours of complete bed rest should be observed. You can go back to your usual routine after 3-4 days. Everything depends on your extent of liposuction coverage. Clients are encouraged to increase their activity level slowly and gradually as you recover from the operation.

How much does a liposuction procedure cost?

Please view our latest price list >>

What should I expect from getting liposuction?

Our liposuction gallery showcases the best of the possible results which you can get when you undergo the procedure. You will be guided accordingly by Dr. Barnouti on the approaches which will be done for your unique needs and the expected results for your procedure. You can book your initial consultation now in one of our 3 clinics in Sydney. You’ll need only to contact us for your consultation so you can get a clear picture of the things to prepare and expect.

What are the risks associated with this procedure?

Plastic surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries inherent risks and potential complications.

Please read our Risks and Complications of Plastic Surgery page.